Communication Language

Banking Reminder - Points

The email send on the first Wednesday of the month prior to the banking deadline month to Owners that not used all of eiligible annual Club Points.


Expiring Points

The Points expiring email sending on the second Wednesday, 3-month prior of the deadline month.
For example, if the points expire in June, Owner will receive the email on the second Wednesday of March.


Unassigned emails for Legacy Owners are sent each Tuesday night. Mailings are staggered through the year, and attempt to follow season start dates for each resort. Occasionally, resort management may request a specific season blast to accomodate for low occupancy at specific times of the year. When this occurs, the schedule may be modified to avoid over-sending the unassigned message to some owners. Please check back often for the latest schedule.

The Unassigned message is translated into 7 languages, with different versions for Owners with, and without a VOA. Samples of each can be found on the "Legacy" tab.

See the schedule below:

Communication Language

Week Unassigned Reminder

Sent on a resort/season schedule that runs throughout the year for Owners who have not yet assigned their usage for the year.

Communication Language

Banking Reminder - Club Points

The email send on the first Wednesday of the month prior to the banking deadline month to Member that have not used all of eiligible annual Club Points.
(Singapore Club, Australia Club, Bali Terrace, Bali Gardens Club).


Expiring Points

The Points expiring email sending on the second Wednesday, 3-month prior of the deadline month.
For example, if the points expire in June, Member will receive the email on the second Wednesday of March.
(Singapore Club, Australia Club, Bali Terrace, Bali Gardens Club).